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Reclaimed Wood Sliding Doors

Why Consider Reclaimed Wood Doors?

Reclaimed wood doors are a great way to add taste and style to simple doorways throughout your home or business. Each door is crafted from salvaged wood, and showcases unique textures, grains, and a rich history that can be replicated. Despite seeming like a small addition, adding flare to your doorways creates an interesting new layer of style throughout your home. You're adding more than just a statement piece to your home- it's about making a meaningful and Eco-concisous decision. 

Benefits of Reclaimed Wood Doors

Reclaimed wood doors add a layer of depth and interest to your home. Not only are there statement pieces bold, but they also come with some benefits that many may overlook. Below are listed a couple of those benefits and why they're important important than you may think.

  1. Strength and Durability: Reclaimed wood, often made from significantly older tree, is more dense than much of the new wood we see today. Tree's that have grown for long periods of time are more dense than new wood, and constant exposure to elements strengthens them further.

  2. Versatility: You may be interested to know the various applications of a reclaimed wood door. From interior doors, barn doors, and entryways you can use them in a wide variety of locations.

  3. Cost-Effective in the Long Run: Although you'll have a higher up front cost, in the long run it may serve as a good investment. The higher durability and timeless style contribute to a longer lasting doorway.

Customization Options

Having reclaimed wood doors offer a lot of options as far as catering to your style. Not only do you have options for finishes and textures, but you also have options for size, opening style, design among many others. Having all these options may seem overwhelming, but being able to make those choices opens up avenues to really find what suits you.

Open the door for a new world of design! Click below to inquire!

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